Based on the data from Development Planning
Board of Surabaya, there was the increased point for
Regional Gross Domestic Product of Surabaya based
on the applied price became Rp. 302,756,079.72 while
there was only Rp. 264,335,620.09 in 2012. That
increased point happened by the raising products in
every single work field. The biggest increase came
from trading, hotel, and restaurant sector which was
Rp. 117,525,130.35 in 2012 became Rp. 135,
688,792.84 in the year of 2013.
Based on the Constant Basic Price (ADHK)
2000, the Regional Gross Domestic Product (PDRB)
of Surabaya also had a significant increase. In the
year of 2013, the PDRB ADHK increased into Rp.
109,075, 460.72 while there was Rp. 101,671,633.57
in 2012. The field of work which had the biggest
increase came from trading, hotel, and restaurnt
which changed from Rp. 44,011,461.26 into Rp.
If we are looking at the the Economical Role of
Regional Gross Domestic Product of Surabaya based
on the Applied Basic Price, there was an increase in
some work fields, such as electrical, gas, and water;
buildings; transportation and communication; also
financial, rental, and service company. While the
decrease occurred in some sectors as follows: mining
and exploration; industry and processing; financial,
rental, and service company; and services. From the
Economical Role of Regional Gross Domestic Product
of Surabaya based on the Applied Basic Price 2000,
the increased work fields were electricity, gas, and
water; building; trading, hotel and restaurants; and
also transportation and communication. While the
decreased ones were industrial and processing;
financial, rental, and service company; and services.
Based on the data from Development PlanningBoard of Surabaya, there was the increased point forRegional Gross Domestic Product of Surabaya basedon the applied price became Rp. 302,756,079.72 whilethere was only Rp. 264,335,620.09 in 2012. Thatincreased point happened by the raising products inevery single work field. The biggest increase camefrom trading, hotel, and restaurant sector which wasRp. 117,525,130.35 in 2012 became Rp. 135,688,792.84 in the year of 2013.Based on the Constant Basic Price (ADHK)2000, the Regional Gross Domestic Product (PDRB)of Surabaya also had a significant increase. In theyear of 2013, the PDRB ADHK increased into Rp.109,075, 460.72 while there was Rp. 101,671,633.57in 2012. The field of work which had the biggestincrease came from trading, hotel, and restaurntwhich changed from Rp. 44,011,461.26 into Rp.47,716,555.67.If we are looking at the the Economical Role ofRegional Gross Domestic Product of Surabaya basedon the Applied Basic Price, there was an increase insome work fields, such as electrical, gas, and water;buildings; transportation and communication; alsofinancial, rental, and service company. While thedecrease occurred in some sectors as follows: miningand exploration; industry and processing; financial,rental, and service company; and services. From theEconomical Role of Regional Gross Domestic Productof Surabaya based on the Applied Basic Price 2000,the increased work fields were electricity, gas, andwater; building; trading, hotel and restaurants; andalso transportation and communication. While thedecreased ones were industrial and processing;financial, rental, and service company; and services.