The Selection Of Ministers, Jokowi Judged Too Silent TEMPO.CO, Jakarta-Director of the Anti-corruption Research Center of Advocacy of Gadjah Mada Oce Madril ask President-elect Joko Widodo transparent in the selection process for the Minister in his Cabinet. According to him, the Jokowi are never announced the candidate Ministers assessed suffered a setback when compared with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono."SBY had dared to call prospective Ministers for the fit and proper test. This Jokowi-finals, "said Oce when contacted, Sunday, October 12, 2014. It should, he said, the selection process for the Minister, the Jokowi involving the community. He said the election process the Minister must comply with the standards of corporate governance that is transparent, participatory, and accountable. (Read: Mega: Emangnya I Ngurusin Cabinet)If not transparent, Oce assess Jokowi as President Soeharto, a Minister in the selection process is very silent. According to him, the attitude of candidates ' names secret Secretary will give rise to a range of suspicions from the public. "It could be a political transactions remains an attraction," he said.According to him, the other negative impacts when Jokowi already released the name of the Minister and turned out to have a bad track record is not be pulled back. "This will be a burden to the Government Jokowi ahead," he said. (Read: Praise The Cabinet Composition Of Golkar Jokowi-JK)Therefore, the Oce recommends that Jokowi immediately opens the candidate who will fill the seat of the Minister and Ministry coordinator if you want to supported by the people. "The least we can prevent. By opening a list of Ministers, people who do not deserve to be left out at the start, "he said.He compares with the candidate selection process led by the candidates as well as CCA record in his footsteps was announced to the public. Whereas the names of prospective new Chairman of KPK it will be submitted to the President of the House of representatives for the fit and proper test on next month. "Patterns such as this should be emulated Jokowi," says Océ.