Total Biaya Surat-surat, Mou, Akta dan Surat-surat lainnya serta Biaya Pengurusan hingga terbitnya Sertifikat Hak Guna Bangunan atas nama PT. NEW HOPE INDONESIA yaitu Rp. 45.000.000,- (Empat Puluh Lima Juta Rupiah), dengan perincian sebagai berikut
The total cost of the letters, Mou, deed and other papers as well as the cost of Maintaining up to the publication of Building use rights Certificate the name of PT. NEW HOPE INDONESIA namely Rp 45 million,-(forty five million Rupiah), with the following details
Total Cost of Letters, Mou, Deed and other letters and Handling Costs to the issuance of the Certificate Broking on behalf of PT. NEW HOPE INDONESIA Rp. 45.000.000, - (Forty Five Million), with the following details