Kapal tangka minyak yang digunakan sebagai unit penampungan terapung ( Floating Storage Unit) dibebaskan dari ketentuan 13F, 13G dan 13H Annex 1 dari Konvensi Intermasional MARPOL 73/78 setelah poros dan baling-baling kapal dicabut.
Ship tangka oils used as floating shelter unit (Floating Storage Unit) are exempt from the provisions of 13G, 13F and 13 h Annex 1 of MARPOL Convention 73/78 Intermasional after the shaft and propeller ships revoked.
Tangka ship oil used as a floating storage unit (Floating Storage Unit) are exempt from the 13F, 13G and 13H of Annex 1 of MARPOL 73/78 Convention Intermasional after the shaft and propellers removed.