Batik marketing is a major source of income for people in batik cluster SMEs in South – Central Java. Large number of men and women involved in the business. Nevertheles, SMEs generally do not have the knowledge or information about other markets, thus, this limits their ability to market their products to larger groups of customers and expand their business. Lack of marketing is one of the most important factors affecting the growth of many businesses (Brush, 2009). The Batik SMEs in Kebumen, Wonosobo, Banjarnegara still faced by marketing problem. Most of batik SMEs in South Central Java are sold locally by government agencies and local buyers. Hence lack of marketing knowledge and strategies as one of the main constrains for them to grow. Conversely, Purbalingga and Cilacap SMEs are able to penetrate Europe markets such as Netherlands, Germany and England. This is because of their ability and knowledge. Craftsmen in Purbalingga and Cilacap oftenly cannot serve a large amount order from their customer. It is evidence that the company employs only few workers because of the skills involved, so they could not produce in large quantity. Mrs. Euis Rohaini, a batik SMEs entrepreneur from Cilacap gave a suggestion to increase the other districts in South Central Java by developing a South – Central Java batik association (under affiliation with Yayasan Batik Indonesia) to promote batik in national or global business.