Assalamualaikum, maaf saya dari Mess Putra (penghuni). Saya sangat terganggu dengan banyaknya kucing liar di area Mess Putra, karena suka masuk kamar lewat kaca nako, sehingga kaca sering pecah suka acak-acak tong sampah sehingga sampah berantakan, yang paling parah suka tidur di bantal, saya khawatir kena virus dari kucing-kucing tersebut, atas pehatiannya kami ucapkan terimakasih
Assalamualaikum, sorry I am out of the Mess the son (residents). I am very disturbed by the large number of feral cats in the area because the son, like the Mess enters the room through the glass the glass so often, nako broke like the random-random garbage litter mess, so the most severe likes to sleep on pillows, my worry got the virus from the cat-the cat, on the pehatiannya we say thank you