Produk: Test Instrument
Model NO.: VD01
1> Aman desain.
2> Di desain untuk tes kelistrikan
3> Dengan Lampu senter.
4> Non-Contact AC detector dari 90V sampai 1000V AC.
5> Alat ini hanya digunakan untuk melihat apakah sebuah konduktor di aliri tegangan atau tidak
6> Voltage Sensitivity: 90~1000V AC.
7> Bandwidth: 50/60Hz.
8> Normal Indication: LED tidak akan menyala jika batery kurang dari 2V
9> Power supply: 2 x 1.5V AAA batteries ( Tidak Termasuk )
Memperkenalkan TEST PEN Generasi Baru.
Lebih aman, lebih ringan (tanpa bahan metal menempel di tangan kita)
Non contact, bisa mendeteksi tegangan di stop kontak, kabel, switch.
sangat perlu dimiliki oleh bapak/ibu rumah tangga untuk keperluan perbaikan instalasi listrik dirumah, engineer electrical, mahasiswa, dan siapa saja.
Penggunaan sangat mudah, cukup di dekatkan ujung pen ke lokasi yang akan di cek tegangannya.
apabila lampu LED menyala dan buzzer bunyi, mengindikasikan ada tegangan listrik.
Product: Test InstrumentModel No.: VD01Features:1 > Secure design.2 > In design for electrical tests3 > with a flashlight.4 > Non-Contact AC detector 90V 1000V AC to off.5 > This tool is used to see if a conductor at the aliri voltage or not6 > Voltage Sensitivity: 90 ~ 1000V AC.7 > Bandwidth: 50/60 Hz.8 > Normal Indication: the LED will not light up if the batery is less than 2V9 > Power supply: 2 x 1.5 V AAA batteries (not included)Introducing A New Generation Of PEN TEST.Safer, lighter (without metal materials stick in our hands)Non contact, able to detect voltage in wires, stop contacts, switches.the very need to be owned by the father/mother of the household for the purpose of repair of electrical installation at home, electrical engineer, college students, and anyone.Very easy to use, simply hover the tip of the pen in to the location that you want to check the voltage.When the LED light is lit and the buzzer sounds, indicating there is voltage.