Penggunaan UTTP yang dapat dimintakan pembebasan dari tera ulang harus berada di tempat-tempat laboratorium, ruangan kantor, ruangan bengkel, gudang penimbunan, di lingkungan perusahaan yang tidak terbuka untuk umum, ruangan tempat unit mesin produksi, dan di tempat tertentu bagi tangki ukur gerak.
The use of UTTP that can be requested exemption from tera birthday must reside in places of laboratory, Office, workshop, warehouse, hoarding in a corporate environment that is not open to the public, the room where the unit is engine manufacturing, and in a certain place for measuring motion of the tank.
The use UTTP which may be requested exemption from tera birthday must be on-site laboratories, offices, indoor workshops, warehouses hoarding, in a corporate environment that is not open to the public, the room where the unit of production machinery, and at a certain place for a tank measuring motion.