Surat Keputusan Bersama Menteri Pertanian dan Menteri Pariwisata, Pos, dan
Telekomunikasi Nomor 204/KPTS/ HK/050/4/1989 dan Nomor KM. 47/PW.DOW/MPPT/89
Tentang Koordinasi Pengembangan Wisata Agro menjelaskan bahwa agrowisata adalah
“sebagai suatu bentuk kegiatan pariwisata yang memanfaatkan usaha agro sebagai obyek
wisata dengan tujuan untuk memperluas pengetahuan, perjalanan, rekreasi dan hubungan
usaha di bidang pertanian". Agrowisata, dalam kamus bahasa Indonesia, Purwodarminto
(1999), diartikan sebagai wisata yang sasarannya adalah pertanian (perkebunan,
kehutanan, dsb). Kegiatan agro sendiri mempunyai pengertian sebagai usaha pertanian
dalam arti luas, yaitu komoditas pertanian, mencakup tanaman pangan, hortikultura,
perkebunan, kehutanan, peternakan dan perikanan. Sehingga pengertian agrowisata
merupakan wisata yang memanfaatkan obyek-obyek pertanian.
The joint decree Minister of agriculture and Minister of tourism, post, and Telecommunications Number 214/KPTS/HK/050/4/1989 and number km. 47/PW. DOW/MPPT/89 About the coordination of the development of Agro Tourist explained that agro-tourism is "as a form of tourism activities that utilize agro business as object tour with the aim to expand knowledge, travel, leisure and relationships efforts in the field of agriculture ". Agro tourism, in the Indonesia language dictionary, Purwodarminto (1999), defined as the goal is agriculture (plantations, forestry, etc.). Agro activities themselves have a sense as agricultural business in a broader sense, i.e. agricultural commodities, including food crops, horticulture, forestry, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries. So understanding the agro tourism is tourism that utilises agricultural objects.

Joint Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Minister of Tourism, Post and
Telecommunications No. 204 / KPTS / HK / 050 / 4/1989 and No. KM. 47 / PW.DOW / MPPT / 89
About Coordination Development of Agro Tourism explained that ecotourism is
"as a form of tourism activities that utilize agro business as an object of
travel for the purpose of expanding knowledge, travel, recreation and relations
efforts in the field of agriculture". Agro, dictionary Indonesian, Purwodarminto
(1999), interpreted as a tourist target was agriculture (plantation,
forestry, etc.). The activities of agro itself has an idea as agriculture
in a broad sense, ie agricultural commodities, including food crops, horticulture,
plantation, forestry , livestock and fisheries. So understanding agrotourism
is a tour that utilizes agricultural objects.