Sometimes it is indeed painful. ..GAK ada yg pengen pain ...Smua certainly strive to maintain health with maximum mgkin ...Who is not eating, blg who blg slah drug ...Aja klo naturists blg doctor ordered, the cure of FAP kecapean and turn of the weather hot bgtu yg make it like this ... Who would have thought klo arrived fell ill ...Indeed smua org gak tau kpn pain arrived ... Klo we sdh brusaha mnjga self tpi suddenly ill keep hrus how?? want to turn on him ...Keep klo he died what still want to blame and rebuked him.. in a State of dying sempat2nya angry.. Indeed the same smua wrote. Not at home or outside ...God most everything ... pretty self is still and silent. from on tmbah load ...#Bismillahirrohmanirrohim spirit and keep trying on established itself there and very much effort with jga prayer ...