CONDITIONS OF DELIVERY DELIVERY TIME Jakarta: 1-3 working daysOut: 2-6 business days. Delivery time is valid after we have received payment, except for using COD. For the goods in the form of aerosol/oil/water outside jakarta will take 2 business days to get to the destination. We don't do delivery on public holidays. SHIPPING COSTS Select City/Province: The delivery of cost effective (JNE OKAY): £ 17000Regular shipping: £ 20000Every transaction on Berrybenka free shipping with a minimum purchase of Rp. 200,000 PARTNER LOGISTICS DELIVERY This logistic partners we select are strictly and each partner logistics will serve shipping for the different regions. Berrybenka has the full power to choose logistics partner who is considered the most reliable for mengirimakan any goods ordered from our customer. Berrybenka always hold fast to customer satisfaction, including ensuring the security and timeliness of delivery of the goods. In addition to the logistics partners, we also have a fleet of shipping logistics named Berrybenka that will send Express packages in the Jakarta area. CHECK DELIVERY STATUS Berrybenka will send you the shipping information via email with a link to check the status of orders and number of Sage to the Subscriber. Customers can check their respective websites to service delivery: JNE: Logistics: Van: Express: Berrybenka Express, the customer can check the status of your shipment via the menu "list Confirmation" in the customer dashboard account or ask directly to CS Berrybenka.CHANGE OF ADDRESS Customers can contact cs @ berrybenka to change your shipping address before 12 hours of payment or confirmation of payment we receive WHETHER CUSTOMERS ARE ABLE TO SEND TO AN ADDRESS THAT IS DIFFERENT FROM THE HOME ADDRESS? Could, on the page to check out before you submit it, by changing the shipping address on the table Data