III. 10.1 Summary
evaluation results on the study of engineering geological investigation PLTM Pagerpelah give some conclusions as follows:
1. Location plan PLTM Pagerpelah River at the village of Kaliurang, Pagerpelah, Kecamatan Karangkobar, Banjarnegara district, North of the town of Banjarnegara. It can be reached from the town of Banjarnegara District through the asphalt road towards the North about 25 Miles up in the village of Pagerpelah.
2. The Foundation of the building on the site of Pagerpelah PLTM Weirs (weir) to the location of the plant (the powerhouse) will be resting on perselingan between the flakes, marls and sandstones Temple looks that have strong weathering degrees until crisp and has a soft to medium hardness (D-CM). In some places the rocks crumble (slacking) and avalanche.
3. Shale and marl has high slacking when in contact with air and in conditions of oblique mudal underwent instability or failure.
4. At the top of the rock units are covered by soil weathering and parts (in some places) there are avalanche deposits.
5. Doesn't seem any geologic structures or perlemahan discontinuity dominant on the site Pagerpelah, with only the PLTM rocks the fresh tersigkap on the river looks the fissures are aligned, some are closed and some are open.
6. Rock the Foundation of the Weirs on the location (Intake Weir) alternative 1 to 3 is perselingan between marls, sandstones of shale and its current state. On the basin and the edge of the river is kerakal, gravel and sand as well as bongkah-bongkah igneous rocks andesite and diorite as well as sandstone Temple looks that are more than 2 m, While on the right as well as left-back has experienced deep weathering of rocks more than 1-4 meters and should be discarded.
7. From the results of the analysis of geological, location of Weirs alternative 2 is the best and can be used as the Foundation of the Weirs.
8. The Foundation rock on the site of A Sedative (Head Pond) is a perselingan between the flakes and marls which on the surface has been subjected to weathering as deep as 2-3 m.
9. Rock the Foundation at a Tract of carriage (Waterway) is the perselingan marls, sandstones, and shale that its current state on the surface has been subjected to weathering as deep as 2-6 m. In some places going through avalanches of rocks breksi bongkah-bongkah in the form of andesite (central part of the waterway) and avalanche shale near Weirs).
2. Rock the Foundation at the location Terjunan (Penstock) is the perselingan marls, sandstones, and shale that its current state on the surface has been subjected to weathering as deep as 2-4 m
3. Rock the Foundation at home location Generator (Powerhouse) is the perselingan marls, sandstones, and shale that its current state on the surface are covered by deposits of avalanche (koluvial) 2-4 m deep.
4. Sand and stone material retrieval for purposes of material of concrete or stone couples can be taken on the location of the nearest quarry (near the location of the powerhouse, and Weirs along the river)
5. Seen from a map of the spread of Active Fault and Gempabumi Damage in Indonesia issued by the Directorate of Volcanology and geological hazard mitigation, the Directorate General of geology and Mineral Resources, the project location is quite far from the centers of gempabumi damage and fault-fault active.
6. From the map of the Gempabumi-prone Indonesia issued by the Directorate of Volcanology and geological hazard mitigation, the Directorate General of geology and Mineral Resources, the location of the project is from disaster-prone areas gempabumi.
7. Based on the results of the calculation of the seismicity, earthquake coefficients which occur provide the project for a period of 50-year anniversary is 0.250 g.
III. 10.2 Recommendations "
1. Material for concrete material (coarse aggregate) should be taken from the bongkah-bongkah stones or diorit which many found in the sediment of the river or nearby hills project location.
2. Materials sand (fine aggregate) preferably of stone material crushing results (andesite or diorit) or from the area around the city itself, do not use sand from rivers Kaliurang as many mixed fractions – fractions of marl and shale.
3. Should the material be tested as concrete materials laboratory to get the design parameters are required.
4. The Foundation must take a powerhouse on the hard ground (perlapisan marl and shale), sediment or soil weathering avalanches should be discarded so that resting on the rocks.
5. because the flakes and marl rock is having the nature of a high, laboured slacking on excavations and Foundation should not be left open for too long (more than 2 weeks should be closed). At the excavations and the slopes so that the drain is good and created on the surface of the slope should be protection.
6. The range of the standard slope excavations and natural slopes can be seen in the tables of The Japan Highway Public Corporation.