No.: 111/KJ/SPH/2014 Terms: Offer Insurance And Bank Guarantees Without Collateral (Collateral)Lamp. : II (Two) Files The Designation,Leadership Of The CompanyIn Place Of The With Respect,With this letter we intend to introduce our company PT SARANA GARANINDO SHORAI unto the father/mother of the company. We are a company engaged in the service of publishing Gransi Bank And Surety Bond which already has plenty of experience of work in the event of the issuance of a Bank guarantee and Surety Bond. In connection with it, according to the information we can Firm that father/mother is a company that is developing very rapidly, then we intend to file a letter of offer for the services of issuance of Bank guarantee and Surety Bond which is our specialty. We hope this offer can end up with cooperation which can give advantages to both sides. With respect to the letter of offer that we made, we are ready to hold a meeting with the company |The father/mother in order to follow up on the offer that we made. So this offer we made, the attention and cooperation we say thank you. Jakarta, October 27, 2014Sincerely,SHORAI PT. SARANA GARANSINDO