Kalau ga sala inget hp itu dikasihke kamu ya... krn majikan beli baru lagi. Hp yg kamu pakai itu dlnya brii harga 10rb nt itu hp mahal. Iya skrg km ga pusink pusink hp, majikanmu tu baik. Kalau dia suka aja bisa ksh km. Kamu semanggat aja pokoke.. kerjaanmu enak. Di sini byk yg minta pindah majikan ga enak, tidur ga cukup, sering di pukul nenek/kakek. Krn org kalau sdh pikun semua jadi beda. Malam jd siang, siang jd malam. Byk tkw ga bs tdr, muka jerawatan. Mbak kamu kudu sregep, kalau kerja punya inisiatif, prinsipe majikan ra entuk kerjo koe sing kerjake.. aku nek weruh bosku kerjo,mesti tak jaluk. Ben aku sing kerjo. Koe semanggat yoo... koe pasti biso
If ga sala remember that hp dikasihke ye ya ... krn employers buy new again. HP you share dlnya brii 10rb price was nt that hp is expensive. IYA skrg pusink ga pusink hp km, tu majikanmu well. If she likes can aja ksh km. You aja pokoke semanggat.. kerjaanmu good. Location up here yg ga employer ask moved, sleeping enough, often in ga at Grandma/Grandpa. Krn org if sdh senile all so different. Night jd jd, day night day. Location tkw ga bs tdr, spotty face. Ya you kudu sregep, if the work had the initiative, besides ra employer prinsipe kerjo koe sing kerjake ... I weruh my boss nek kerjo, must not jaluk. Ben I sing kerjo. KOE semanggat koe ... yoo definitely biso

If ga sala hp remember it dikasihke ye ya ... krn buy another new employer. Hp are you wearing it dlnya Brii price 10k hp nt was expensive. Yes skrg km ga pusink pusink hp, tu good employer. If he likes aja could ksh km. You semanggat pokoke aja .. your job good. Here Byk who ask to change employers tasty ga, ga enough sleep, often at grandma / grandpa. Krn org if SDH senile all so different. Jd night noon, lunch jd night. Byk TKW ga bs tdr, spotty face. Ma'am you sregep kudu, if work has the initiative, employers prinsipe ra koe entuk kerjo kerjake sing .. i nek weruh kerjo my boss, should not Jaluk. Ben I sing kerjo. Koe semanggat yoo ... koe definitely biso