Alkhamdulillah, hanya itu yang patu saya ucapkan, setelah siswaku Riza Dwi Novitadani berhasil masuk passing grade provinsi OSK bidang studi Biologi pada peringkat 25. Salah satu yang membahagiakan dari seorang pendidik adalah ketika menyaksikan siswa-siswinya berhasil meraih suatu kesuksesan atau keberhasilan. Semoga keberhasilan ini akan diikuti oleh keberhasilan-keberhasilan yang lain. Selamat berjuang Riza buat bangga orang tua kamu, sekolahmu, keluargamu, teman-teman, dan semua yang mengenalmu. Saya hanya bbisa berdoa dan minta doanya kepada semuanya agar kami semua sukses berhasil, amin.
Alkhamdulillah, that's all I say patu, siswaku Riza after Dwi Novitadani managed to get passing grade province OSK majors Biology at 25. One of the more pleasant than an educator is when watching the siswa-siswinya won a success or accomplishment. Hopefully this success will be followed by another success-success. Congratulations fight Riza create proud parents you, sekolahmu, to your families, friends, and all who've known. I just bbisa to pray and ask for her prayers to them all so that all of our successful work, Amen.

Alkhamdulillah, only that the shoes I said, after the girls Riza Dwi Novitadani managed to get passing grade OSK province ranked field of study Biology at 25. One of the happiest of an educator is when watching her students managed to achieve a success or success. Hopefully this success will be followed by other successes. Good luck Riza make your parents proud, school, family, friends, and all who know you. I just prayed and asked for prayers bbisa to everything that we all succeed succeed, amen.