In addition to providing value comfort, beauty or knowledge, attractions
tours also can pose a direct or indirect impact on
income for farmers as well as the surrounding community. In this case the development
is done and managed by business entities can involve farmers in carrying out the
tourist attractions. Travelers who visit will be consumers of agricultural products are
produced, so marketing becomes more efficient results. Moreover, for farmers and
people outside the area of development, could be impacted by
the number of tourist visits. For the surrounding community, with a number of visiting
tourists, they can gain business opportunities to provide services
and sell products produced to meet the needs of tourists. Tourist attractions
agriculture can also attract others to study or internship in the implementation of
farming activities, or other attractions, so as to increase the income
of farmers, as well as a vehicle for the transfer of technology to other parties. Something like this has been
done by the farmers in the village Cinagara, Sukabumi with "Real Work Training Centre".
At this internship activities, all farmers directly involved, both fish farmers, paddy
rice, horticulture, livestock, and plantation.