Potensi objek wisata dapat dibedakan menjadi objek wisata alami dan buatan
manusia. Objek wisata alami dapat berupa kondisi iklim (udara bersih dan sejuk, suhu dan
sinar matahari yang nyaman, kesunyian), pemandangan alam (panorama pegunungan
yang indah, air terjun, danau dan sungai yang khas), dan sumber air kesehatan (air mineral,
air panas). Objek wisata buatan manusia dapat berupa falitas atau prasarana, peninggalan
sejarah dan budidaya, pola hidup masyarakat dan taman-taman untuk rekreasi atau olah
raga. Untuk membantu meningkatkan masyarakat petani yang berada di pedesaan,
prioritas pengembangan agrowisata hendaknya lebih diarahkan pada pengembangan
agrowisata ruang terbuka (Subowo, dikutip dari Warta Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Pertanian Vol.24 No.1 2002).
The potential of tourism can be distinguished into natural and artificial attractions man. Natural attractions include climatic conditions (clean air and cool, temperature and the Sun, the silence), landscapes (mountain panorama beautiful waterfalls, lakes and rivers that is typical), and health (springs of mineral water, hot water). Man-made attractions can be either falitas or infrastructure, legacy the history and cultivation of life, communities and parks for recreation or sport Raga. To help improve the farming community located in the countryside, agro tourism development priorities should be more directed at the development of agro tourism open space (Subowo, quoted from research and Development News Agriculture vol. 24 No. 1, 2002).

Potential attraction attractions can be divided into natural and artificial
human. Attraction can naturally be climatic conditions (air clean and cool, the temperature and
sunlight are comfortable, silence), landscape (panorama of the mountains
are beautiful, waterfalls, lakes and rivers are typical), and a source of health water (mineral water,
water heat). Manmade attractions can be unrivaled or infrastructure, the legacy
of history and cultivation, life style and parks for recreation or if the
sport. To help improve the farming community in the countryside,
the priority development of ecotourism should be more focused on the development of
agro open space (Subowo, quoted by the News Research and Development
of Agricultural Vol.24 # 1 2002).