Ura goLek sNg Ngehits,,GanteNg,,, Bhagia ikU daRi hati maSinG"... Ckup sNg TaNggUnG jWaB,,ISo mbimbinG kneK Gae selawaSee iku WeZ cUkup InsyaAllah bjoku dUnIa&Akhirat
URA Ngehits sNg, goLek, Handsome,,, Bhagia ikU from the heart "... Ckup jWaB Responsibilities, sNg, ISo mbimbinG kneK Gae selawaSee iku WeZ enough God willing bjoku the world & Hereafter

Ura golek SNG Ngehits ,, ,,, Bhagia Iku handsome heart of each "... ckup SNG responsibility jWaB ,, ISo mbimbinG kneK Gae selawaSee iku Wez Hopefully enough bjoku world and the Hereafter