Merk 1: Shell
a. Kekuatan: bersih di mesin, mengangkat kerak
b. Kekurangan: mahal, ada produk palsu
c. Pandangan konsumen:
Merk 2: TOP 1
a. Kekuatan: halus
b. Kekurangan: mengendap, ada produk palsu
c. Pandangan konsumen:
Merk 3: Pertamina
a. Kekuatan: standart (tidak ngerak), tapi disesuaikan dengan umur pakai
b. Kekurangan:
c. Pandangan konsumen:
Merk 4: 3 Berlian
a. Kekuatan: tidak jauh berbeda dari spek Pertamina (jika disesuaikan dengan umur/rekomendasi maka tidak akan menimbulkan masalah), tidak mengendap, tahan panas
Mark 1: Shella. Power: clean engines, lifting the crustb. disadvantages: expensive, there are counterfeit productsc. consumer view:Mark 2: TOP 1a. strength: smoothb. shortcomings: settles, there are counterfeit productsc. consumer view:Mark 3: Pertaminaa. Power: standard (not performed), but adapted to the age wearb. shortcomings:c. consumer view:Mark 4: 3 Diamondsa. strength: not much different from Pertamina spec (if adapted to the age/recommendations it will not cause problems), it is not heat resistant, settles
Brand 1: Shell
a. Strength: clean in the machine, lift the crust
b. Disadvantages: expensive, there are counterfeit products
c. Consumer views:
Brand 2: TOP 1
a. Strengths: smooth
b. Disadvantages: settles, there are counterfeit products
c. Consumer views:
Brand 3: Pertamina
a. Strength: standard (not ngerak), but adapted to the lifetime
b. Disadvantages:
c. Consumer views:
Brand 4: 3 Diamonds
a. Strengths: not much different from the spec Pertamina (when adjusted for age / recommendation it will not cause a problem), do not settle, heat resistant